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              PAMA 2019 - Compliance Update

       Today’s medical laboratories wrestle with reduced reimbursement   1. Expansion of “applicable reporting labs” brings additional data
       rates under PAMA’s revised CLFS final rule. The restructuring is   from Independent and Outreach Hospital Labs.
       having a hefty impact and is forcing laboratories to reorganize in   2. With the new calculation methodology CMS suggests that 43%
       order to survive the new changes.  The new rules for what   more labs may be included as “applicable labs”.
       constitutes an “applicable lab” and the new reporting    3. Hospital labs will be identified by CMS as an “applicable lab”
 Two major trends have emerged on the forefront, one is the   requirements that started January 1, 2019, are adding another   using Form CMS-1450 14x bill type vs NPI.
 consolidation of traditional laboratory testing and second one is   level of complexity to reporting and compliance  concerns.

 point-of-care testing                                          The timeline for the second round of data is as follows:
       As healthcare reform continues to struggle with how healthcare is   • Laboratories will collect private payor “payment” data
       both delivered and billed across the country, Genome Web,   from January 1 to June 30 2019.
 A new wave of patients are educating themselves and are  Genomics:  There will be extensive use of DNA   a genetics, genomics and molecular diagnostic online news   • Data is to be reported to CMS by March 31, 2020.
 becoming more proactive in their healthcare. Many   probes, neonatal genetic screening, viral load monitoring,   states in 2017 CMS expects PAMA to save the government $3.93   • Medicare CLFS rates (based on weighted median
 believe this will decrease laboratory volume and drive   high-density SNP diagnostic assays, electrochemical   billion by 2028.  private payor rates) in November 2020 and be effective
 down the cost of laboratory testing due to home kit   detection of infectious agents, gene mutation analysis,
 testing. Genome testing is on course to continue to give a   and protein profiling.   January 1, 2021.
 greater insight into linking DNA sequences and disease.    RCM Enterprise Services recognizes the changes in laws,
 These predictions are geared towards eradicating   Proteomics: Proteomics is believed to be a source   regulations and government requirements. With new changes in   As financial integrity is critical, each organization should insure
 diseases through better treatment, allowing humans to   for future diagnostic testing. It is expected the
 live longer, healthier lives.  development of analytical systems will have the   laboratory billing/reimbursements happening at a fast pace RCM   that the data is analyzed, audited, validated and signed off by
 capacity to test hundreds and thousands of different   will provide updated information in the RCM quarterly magazine.  multiple stakeholders.
 Point-of-Care Testing: Many experts strongly   proteins. Many proteins remain unstudied and could form
 believe the future of laboratory medicine will be inclined   the beginning of a new way of testing.
 towards more testing at point-of-care. This type of testing   PAMA Update 2019  Reminder of data collection details:
 offers several benefits, including lower costs, portability,   Taking a futuristic view into new market trends will more   After two years of 10% CLFS reimbursement rate cuts annually   • Included: Private Payor designation: Commercial, contracted
 simplicity, flexibility, and built-in quality control.   than likely lead to new technological discoveries and   and industry lawsuits and appeals, which led to the expansion of   and non-contracted, Group health plans; Medicare Advantage
 account for an economic uptick in laboratory medicine.   laboratories qualifying as applicable labs, it is now time to begin   and Medicaid managed care plans.
 Automation and Robotics: This is one of the   Making these changes will steer laboratory testing to
 most popular predictions. The use of transport models to   reach new heights in the quality of healthcare worldwide.   the second round of PAMA data collection. With the updates and   • Do Not Include: Medicaid fee-for-service, Other government
 deliver specimens and humanoid technology seems to   changes, laboratories of all sizes and structure need to review   payors
 be a fascinating concept in laboratory medicine but yet to   and understand the applicable Lab Definitions to insure   • Only “Fully Adjudicated” claims within the reporting period
 become a reality.
       compliance.                                              (not forgetting recoupments, adjustments and redeterminations)
       (  For additional reading click
       ment/ClinicalLabFeeSched/PAMA-Regulations.html)          National Independent Laboratory Association.
 RCM Enterprise Services, Inc. | A Revenue Cycle Management Company
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