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More companies are exploring the idea of internship programs. Sponsoring an internship program depends on how
           many resources and effort leadership is willing to put towards the program. Interns bring fresh ideas and are more
            than happy to offer their perspectives. In 2018, RCM management collaborated with Northeast High Academy of
            Finance, proving interns are a valuable asset. Thanks to Jeff Marr, VP of Operations and Cheryl Kerr, Manager of
              Human Resources for implementing a successful program. Under management supervision interns have an
                  opportunity to develop the skills to complete revenue workflow tasks in a professional environment.

            Jeff Marr, VP of Operations:                             Cheryl Kerr, Manager of Human Resources:

            “Our focus was clearly to establish an effective         “From the start, I knew the program should be
            internship program.  Implementing an entry–level         structured and for us to be fully committed.
            program for accounting students was a way we could       Students like challenges and we were able to
            give back to the community. Providing students the       offer a solid foundation. Students go through a
            opportunity to continue developing their skills in       rigorous application process and compete with
            healthcare finances is something we are committed to.    their peers before being accepted into the academy.
            It’s rewarding to see young career professionals grow    We were looking for interns who wanted to pursue
            in their discipline and recognizing team building is part   a career in finance. Medical billing gave the interns
            of the process.”                                         an opportunity to experience another aspect
                                                                     of accounting. The Academy of Finance fits
                                                                     our criteria. We all worked together and built
                                                                     a strong program.

        Corporate Report
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