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         Vol.2   Issue 2             The digital news magazine of RCM Enterprise Services, Inc.            July 2019

       Clearwater, Florida
                                      Will Labs Survive

                                      the Impact of PAMA?

        Sunny with a chance
          of thunderstorms


     —Featured Article

     —Compliance Update


     —Corporate Report

     —For the Humor of It

     Laboratory tests are
     the most frequently

     ordered diagnostic
                                      The HMO era of the early nineties brought deep cuts in laboratory test
     procedures and                   prices sending laboratories to look for new ways to compensate for the
     account for 80%
                                      loss of revenue. Many labs today are facing another unsettling time when
     of the patient’s
                                      test prices will take another jolt of cuts undermining the financial integrity
     medical record.
                                      of the clinical laboratory. This is the year laboratories could feel PAMA’s
       Learn More
                                      impact. Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) are requesting labs
                                      to collect private payer pricing data to set new prices for regulating

                                      laboratory fees. This could ultimately impact the clinical lab’s stake
                                      in the market place as we know it today.

                                                                                 Continued on page 02 

       Genetics І Laboratory І Pathology
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