Page 7 - index
P. 7

Dashboard monitoring examples:

               A majority of payers enforce     Tracking billing edits, errors,   Ordering locations sorted high
                 aggressive, timely filings    rejections, and denials provide    to low identifies where your
                   (60, 90, 120 days).          you a sense of how clean your   business volume is coming from
                Tracking insurance claims      registrations process is and how   (ordered tests) and how much
                 successfully before the       efficient your billing workflow is   effort (edit/error processing) is
                 timeline expires is critical    compared to industry best      required to maintain a particular
                   to prevent denials.             practice benchmarks.                client business.

             Reimbursement tracking sorted          Daily CPCA reporting             Lag time reporting averages
              by test, payer, gross charges,     monitors charges, payments,         the time needed to generate
              expected reimbursement, and        and contractual adjustments.        charges, bill the claim, post
             actual reimbursement gives you    You will be able to react to drops    the payment using the date
             the ability to monitor the correct    in payments or celebrate          of service as a starting point
               payment amount or flag for        an increase in charges, and        and the final posted payment
               underpayment based on the          the capability of measuring            as an ending point.
              expected contractual amount.       current month to month trends
                                                   or a six-month average.

              Tracking the number of times      End of month financial indicators   Exception based tracking filters
              an insurance claim is worked/      track multiple areas providing     and reports only what you want
               touched by different users.       a snapshot of critical financial      to monitor and measure.
                                                  targets on a month to month

                                               Grouping your ordering physicians
                                                 by medical specialty positions
                                                you to track what tests they are
                                               ordering based on their specialty.
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